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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Governor declares April ‘Early Childhood Month’

Throughout this month the government will hold abuse prevention campaigns, service fairs, events in care centers, orientation activities and informational workshops on all issues that impact abuse prevention and early childhood development.

By The Star Staff

Gov. Pedro Pierluisi Urrutia on Wednesday signed a proclamation that designates April of this year as Early Childhood Month.

“In this month of childhood and the prevention of abuse, my administration reiterates its commitment to protect our most important citizens, minors, because in them we place hope for the future of Puerto Rico,” Pierlusi said. “Taking care of them, defending them and guaranteeing them a healthy life is the greatest responsibility we have as a government and as a people. I have been consistent that we all have to be part of Puerto Rico having a culture of respect for human dignity.”

The governor said that throughout April the Administration for the Comprehensive Care and Development of Children (ACUDEN by its Spanish initials) will carry out abuse prevention campaigns, service fairs, events in care centers, orientation activities and informational workshops on all issues that impact abuse prevention and early childhood development.

“As a government, we want to highlight the importance of every citizen coming together to support our children,” said Pierluisi, who was accompanied by Family Secretary Ciení Rodríguez Troche and ACUDEN Administrator Roberto Carlos Pagán Santiago. “Protecting them is up to all of us. It is not enough to speak out against abuse. We also have to raise our voices, take a step forward and be their defenders and spokespersons to prevent and stop child abuse.”

Rodríguez Troche added that “we are raising the importance of full growth, development and care for our children.”

“Today we recognize them for a month, but promoting harmony by accepting, respecting and understanding the diversity of childhood is a day-to-day exercise,” she said. “We all want our children to be happy, so it’s the responsibility of adults to make it so. That will be the Puerto Rico of tomorrow.”

Children from several care centers of the Head Start, Early Head Start and Child Care of the Future programs participated in the activity while accompanied by teachers and relatives. Those present enjoyed a performance by the children’s group Atención Atención in the garden of La Fortaleza and interacted with mimes and superhero characters from the Mental Health and Anti-Addiction Services Administration.

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