By The Star Staff
Gov. Pedro Pierluisi Urrutia said Tuesday that a complete picture of the customers impacted by the cyberattack on the systems of the Puerto Rico Aqueduct and Sewer Authority (PRASA) is still unknown.
“Well, that’s going to be reported as soon as the investigation reflects the exact number of customers impacted by this cyberattack,” the governor said in response to questions from the press. “I mean, this is under investigation. The FBI, alongside PRITS [Puerto Rico Innovation and Technology Service], among other entities, is investigating this thoroughly. And it’s becoming as transparent as we can be. As soon as we have more information, we will provide it. Meanwhile, the clients of the Authority are being urged to take a series of measures, such as changing their code keys to access their accounts, and others, and we will continue to do so.”
Asked what measures he will implement to avoid a similar situation in other government agencies and corporations, Pierluisi replied: “A measure that we announced some time ago and that [is] being implemented, is that we have a system to monitor possible cyberattacks on all instruments, on all personal computers and tablets of government personnel. All those systems right now are under constant scrutiny to detect any possible hacking or cyberattack. In other words, that measure is already being taken.”
“In addition, PRITS is supporting all agencies; we are improving systems as government resources allow,” the governor added. “This is continuous work. What is happening here, happens all over the world.”