By The Star Staff
Popular Democratic Party (PDP) Secretary General Juan Luis Camacho Semidei called on party members to attend the government plan assembly this Sunday in Mayagüez.
During the event, key proposals will be presented for the development of Puerto Rico, focused on what will be the institutional Government Plan.
“During the Assembly, the Government Plan will be presented and approved,” Camacho Semidei said. “It is a work session where the delegates of the Program and Rules Assembly will see firsthand the proposals for social justice that the PDP has to improve the quality of life of Puerto Ricans for the next four years.”
The New Progressive Party, meanwhile, will hold its convention this weekend from Friday to Sunday at the Caribe Hilton hotel in San Juan.
Sunday’s PDP event will begin at 10 a.m. in the Yagüez theater in Mayagüez, and will be open to the public. The participation of party members and citizens interested in the future of Puerto Rico is expected.
The secretary general and a group of young PDP candidates also extended a special invitation to island youth to actively participate in the electoral process and register to vote in the November elections, and thus be part of the transformation that Puerto Rico needs.
“You have until September 21 to register and assure your participation in this crucial process for the future of our island,” Camacho Semidei added.
Swanny Enit Vargas, PDP Youth president and candidate for the House of Representatives, said: “Registering to vote is an essential process for any citizen who desires to have a real impact on the course of our country.”
“We call on all the youth to take advantage of this opportunity to make their voice count,” he said. “This is the moment to be protagonists of change that you want to see.”