By The Star Staff
As of July 1, the population with the human immunodefi-ciency virus (HIV) under the coverage of the public Vital Plan wi 11 have more options for requesting their prevention medications, as announced Wednesday by Health Insurance Ad-ministration (ASES) Executive Director Roxanna Rosario Serrano. "We are working on the development of initiatives for all Vital beneficiaries, including the population with HIV. Now, these patients will be able to access their medications at any of the more than 900 pharmacies in the Plan Vital network around the island, because they will be included in ourformulary," Rosario Serrano said in a written statement. "Without a doubt, this announcement is very positive for these people because they wi 11 no longer have to limit themselves to picking up their prescriptions through the 49 pharmacies attached to the ADAP Program."
Rosario Serrano stressed to the more than 7,000 Vital pa-tients with HIV that other services, such as medical care with their doctor, will remain intact. The antiretrovirals and protease inhibitors that the patients received through ADAP will now be available through the ASES drug formulary.
"We have been in constant communication with drug stores, suppliers of HIV products, to support the pharmacy network in acquiring these 36 medications that we will be including in the formulary as of Monday, July 1," she said.
The official urged patients to visit their selected pharmacy before June 30 to pick up their 90-day supply. Interested parties can call (787) 474-3300 (option 1 for beneficiaries or option 2 for providers). For the hearing impaired, the number is (787) 474-3389.