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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Berríos Navarro, alias ‘Tun Tún,’ found guilty of murder

Delwin Berríos Navarro, alias “Tun Tún,” leader of the Martorel criminal organization, has been found guilty of murder and violations of the Weapons Law.

By The Star Staff

Justice Secretary Domingo Emanuelli Hernández an-nounced on Wednesday that a jury found Delwin Berríos Navarro, alias “Tun Tún,” leader of the Martorel criminal organization that operated in the eastern region of the is-land, guilty of murder and violations of the Weapons Law.

“After evaluating the evidence presented by the Humacao Prosecutor’s Office, a jury made up of seven women and five men issued a guilty verdict against Delwin Berríos Navarro,” Emanuelli Hernández said in a written statement. “He faced one count of first-degree murder for killing Christian Ramón Delgado Mercado, four counts under the Puerto Rico Weapons Law and one count of risk to public safety or order by firing a firearm.”

During the trial, which began in October, prosecutors Gabriel Redondo Miranda, Yaítza Rodríguez Reyes and Miguel García Rodríguez presented some 10 witnesses, along with expert testimony and documentary evidence. The sentencing hearing was scheduled for Jan. 22, 2024 in the courtroom of Judge Martín Ramos Junquera of the Fajardo Court of First Instance.

The investigation was led by agent Joel De Jesús, from the Homicide Division of the Puerto Rico Police Bureau’s Humacao Criminal Investigation Corps.

“The jury’s decision does justice to the deceased and his family, but it also restores the peace that the commu-nity deserves,” the Justice chief said. “The Department of Justice and the Police Bureau have ensured that the leader of a dangerous criminal organization pays for his crimes and does not return to the streets to torment citizens who deserve to live in peace.”

“I recognize and appreciate the excellent work carried out by the prosecutors and agents in charge of the process, as well as the experts from the Institute of Forensic Sciences who examined and testified about the scientific evidence that was presented to the jury,” Emanuelli Hernández added. The Justice Department will continue the prosecution of Berríos Navarro for two other cases related to crimes of murder and violations of the Weapons Law, among others.

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