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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Cataño plans festivities to complement San Sebastián Street Festival

Along Cataño’s popular waterfront, three days of music, crafts and an energetic family atmosphere are planned with the event dubbed “Del Malecón pa’ las Fiestas 2024,” starting Friday.

By The Star Staff

As the longest Christmas holiday in the world comes to an end, the municipality of Cataño has planned a monumental celebration that, held simultaneously with the San Sebastián Street Festival in Old San Juan, will light up its side of San Juan Bay.

Along the town’s imposing waterfront, three days of music, crafts and an energetic family atmosphere are planned with the event dubbed “Del Malecón pa’ las Fiestas 2024.”

“Since the beginning of the Enchanted Malecón and Estampas de Pueblo Festival, in November of last year, Cataño began the Christmas festivities for the enjoyment of the entire Cataño family and our visitors,” said Mayor Julio Alicea Vasallo, who highlighted the musical and craft offerings that will be part of the event. “Today we announce that we are once again opening our arms to welcome, in an atmosphere of festivity and celebration, everyone who comes to enjoy with us the traditional event From the Malecón to the Fiestas.”

This Friday will be dedicated to Cataño youth and the party starts at 6 p.m. with DJ music, and then lights up the stage with the group Algareplena, Wilito Otero, Juliito and Juanka to close the night. On Saturday, the party continues starting at 4 p.m. to the sounds of the La Criolla Orchestra, Luisito “El Canchanchán,” Melina León and Moncho Rivera. On Sunday, to conclude the party, music will be performed on stage beginning at 2 p.m. with a DJ, Los Pleneros del Truco, Julio César Sanabria, Los Parranderos de Loíza, Conjunto Quisqueya and, closing with a flourish, with José Alberto “The Canary.”

The Malecón area can be accessed by boat service from San Juan, which will have special hours. There will also be several designated areas for parking and transportation services for visitors to the festivities.

“Ensuring safety is our priority so that all families can enjoy these days of celebration,” the mayor said. “Our security plan is solid, with the support of the Municipal and State Police, as well as our Cataño Emergency Management staff, who make up a team experienced in successfully managing all of our mass activities.”

“We are waiting for you all at this traditional event to dance, sing, eat and enjoy with your family as all Puerto Ricans know how to do,” Alicea Vasallo said.

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