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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Cayey health center receives $3.2 million for power supply, equipment upgrades

Cayey Mayor Rolando Ortiz Velázquez

By The Star Staff

Cayey Mayor Rolando Ortiz Velázquez announced the investment of $3.2 million in federal funds for the Mariano Rivera Ramos Municipal Health Center, specifically for the replacement of air conditioners and important equipment needed in health facilities, as well as the installation of an emergency electrical generator.

“Our institution was acquired by the municipal government in 1999 to promote the good health of the 22 neighborhoods of Cayey, as well as the neighboring towns,” the mayor said.

The Rivera Ramos Health Center offers health services such as an emergency room with an adult and pediatric area, laboratory, X-rays, pharmacy, vaccinations and a medical emergency corps.

“We also have private practices within the institution that offer services from general practitioners, internists, psychiatry, urology, audiology and ophthalmology, as well as oncology, a radiotherapy center and a surgical center,” Ortiz Velázquez added.

The municipal facility has more than 60 professional employees such as doctors and medical technologists, as well as 55 municipal employees engaged in various tasks. People from all over the region come to the private practice offices, but particularly for the internal services that are offered in the emergency room, laboratory, X-ray department and pharmacy. There were about 3,500 users of the various services in July of this year.

“Particularly meaningful to us is the commitment employees have to their work and to all of our patients or visitors,” the mayor said. “Without our employees, this operation would not be successful, nor would it have the excellent reputation that we maintain under the direction of comrade Jason N. Pérez Rivera.”

The Municipal Health Center is located at 174 Calle Luis Barreras in the urban center of Cayey.

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