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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Employees in 3 agencies seek over $82.4 million in payments

U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain

By The Star Staff

Puerto Rico is in talks with Transportation, Corrections and Family department employees seeking over $82.4 million in administrative expense payments.

The information is contained in two July 31 motions filed under the commonwealth bankruptcy, which is still active.

Meanwhile, the Puerto Rico Industrial Development Company (PRIDCO) missed interest payments on its Series 2003 bonds, totaling $345,231 in funds that were due Aug. 1, according to a communication to the markets. The payments were for general purpose revenue bonds.

Regarding the employees’ claims, U.S. District Judge Laura Taylor Swain, who is overseeing Puerto Rico’ bankruptcies, granted the Transportation and Family department employees’ motions on Aug. 1. The government has until Aug. 21 to answer the motions. She has not ruled on the corrections officers’ motion. Puerto Rico’s Department of Transportation and Public Works employees are seeking some $48 million for underpayment of wages.

In another motion, some 20 Family Department workers from the Children’s Administration want $34.2 million in back wages, which constitute administrative claims in bankruptcy.

“The parties have shared divergent positions as to the appropriateness of the relief requested in the motions, but, upon the continued exchange of information and documentation, at this juncture, deem that a consensual settlement of the matters set forth therein is possible, and continue devoted to pursuing such goal,” the deadline extension motion said.

A second deadline extension motion sought an unspecified amount in salaries for 44 Department of Correction and Rehabilitation officials.The parties reached an agreement in principle, but it hasn’t been signed because the officers want the agreement to contain any amounts owed up to the commonwealth’s effective date, another motion reads.

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