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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

First of seven projects to revitalize Río Piedras is launched

San Juan Mayor Miguel Romero Lugo

By The Star Staff

The municipality of San Juan has launched a tender to reconstruct Avenida Universidad, the first of seven projects to revitalize the Río Piedras sector.

The city’s Department of Urban Design and Project Development is managing the tender. The reconstruction of the renowned avenue, which connects the busy Luis Muñoz Rivera Avenue, the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus and the urban area of the capital city, marks the start of a $50 million project to bring life back to the entire Río Piedras area.

The work on Avenida Universidad includes the reconstruction of sidewalks, new lighting and the reorganization of spaces along the entire thoroughfare, from Muñoz Rivera Avenue to Juan Ponce de León Avenue. It is the first project in Río Piedras under the “Community Development Block Grant City Revitalization” program.

“This announcement is significant for me and the entire team of the municipal administration of San Juan since, with the reconstruction of Avenida Universidad, we mark the beginning of an investment of over $50 million for projects that will allow us to revitalize an important commercial, residential and university area, and it is one of our priorities in the public policy plans that we have established,” San Juan Mayor Romero Lugo said. “The projects under this program went through a rigorous design competition process, and currently, this project has met all the parameters established by the program so that it can be carried out. It is the first of seven projects destined for Río Piedras and the enjoyment of the university community, of all the people of Rio Piedras and San Juan, and visitors who come to the area thanks to their ties with the university. We will soon announce other beneficial projects for the area that will go up for bid this year.”

For those interested in submitting proposals, the documents became available starting Monday, free of charge, on the 18th floor of the Municipality of San Juan Government Center-Municipal Tower. There will be a non-compulsory pre-auction meeting on May 16 at 10 a.m. in the conference room of the municipal secretary’s office on the 15th floor of the government center.

The submission of proposals is slated for July 18 at or before 10 a.m.

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1 Comment

Rafael Mendez
Rafael Mendez
May 08


It's past due.This sector of SJ, has been

Totally neglected for decades.

Every politician that has 'expressed'their love for their UPR community have done nothing to revive

This area.Hat"s off to mayor Romero.

Good job.let's just hope it becomes a reality.

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