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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Fundación Pediátrica de Diabetes (Pediatric Diabetes Foundation) XIX Gala

Board of directors of the Fundación Pediátrica de Diabetes: Milton Latoni, Dra. Adanette Wiscovitch, Ricardo Levy, Lcdo. Juan Vilella, Mariana Benítez, Bernardo Maldonado, Dra. Rebecca Sáenz, Lizzie Pérez, Dra. Marina Ruiz, Olga Hernández

By Judy Gordon-Conde and Jennifer Conde-Powers

The XIX Gala held by the Fundación Pediátrica de Diabetes at the renowned Club Náutico was a spectacular evening.

Elegant guests enjoyed dressing in “Jeans and Jackets” as part of the event dress code. The guests partook in a delectable buffet and danced to music from the Midnight Band in a room surrounded by floral arrangements by PR Floral Marketing.

The event reunited pediatric endocrinologists from across the island, supporters and friends who value the organization’s mission, which is to educate, train and support children and adolescents with diabetes in Puerto Rico through programs that impact their family’s environment, school and social surroundings, to promote healthy lifestyles and help them attain the optimal management of their condition. Their vision is to raise the quality of life of pediatric patients diagnosed with diabetes in Puerto Rico.

100% of the event funds will be assigned to educational programs created by the Fundación Pediátrica de Diabetes in Puerto Rico that are free of charge for youngsters with diabetes living on the island. For more information, please visit

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