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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Governor participates in the launch of the Invest Puerto Rico advertising campaign

By The Star Staff

Gov. Pedro Pierluisi Urrutia participated on Thursday in the launch of Invest Puerto Rico’s “It’s Not What’s Next, It’s Where” campaign.

The governor highlighted the achievements that Invest Puerto Rico has had in strengthening foreign investment, the development of new companies and offering greater visibility of the island to the investment community.

“Invest Puerto Rico has been an important pillar of our economic progress, enhancing our attributes as a highly competitive jurisdiction for innovation and investment in growth areas, such as biosciences, energy, aerospace and technology,” Pierluisi said in a written statement. “Consistent with our Strategic Framework Purpose, Puerto Rico has positioned itself as a leader in these industries. In biosciences we have 12 of the 20 most important pharmaceutical companies in the entire United States, producing eight of the 15 best-selling biopharmaceutical products in the world here. In the energy sector, we are carrying out an ambitious transformation to renewable energy, creating multiple opportunities for innovation and investment. In the aerospace sector we are capitalizing on the waiver of cabotage laws for the air transfer zone, creating a strategic hub on the island. In addition, in technology we are investing more than $1 billion with the Smart Island Initiative and training our people for the jobs of the future.”

The governor emphasized that “in addition to celebrating the triumphs of the past and present, we set our sights on the future with this new campaign that highlights the beauty and natural attractions of our island and positions us as a world-class strategic business destination in the Caribbean.”

“Our multi-sector and global approach directs this campaign to key markets in the United States, Canada, Europe and India, among others, which promote Puerto Rico like never before,” he said. “Invest Puerto Rico’s efforts have borne results, resulting in the creation of 2,500 new businesses, 20,000 high-paying jobs and over $1 billion in new private capital investment.”

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