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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Governor to present violence prevention plan today

Gov. Pedro Pierluisi

By The Star Staff

Gov. Pedro Pierluisi Urrutia will present his administration’s comprehensive plan for social reconstruction and violence prevention today.

“This plan was developed with multisectoral support from all government agencies that deal with the issue of crime,” the governor said Monday in response to questions from the press. “Participating in the development of the plan were, among other sectors, academia, the communications sector, the third sector in the church… . And then I checked it. I gave it the go-ahead. Tomorrow, then, we are going to present it to the people in general and to the media.”

“We have never had a plan of this nature; the problem is addressed at its root,” Pierluisi added. “And it comes with specific proposals and recommendations to be implemented or addressed in basically all concerned government agencies, but also at the level of our entire society, because this problem of criminality also has roots in human behavior.”

The governor said the plan addresses, for example, “the sexist violence that we still have in Puerto Rico and that must be eradicated; among other things.”

“It will address issues of mental health, issues of, for example, poverty, issues of lack of opportunities, employment, in the quality of education, everything,” he said. “It’s going to cover everything. This is the roadmap, to address the problem of criminality at its root.”

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