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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Health Dept. confirms 209 cases of monkeypox in PR


Puerto Rico is located in the second level of the monkeypox outbreak with 209 confirmed cases, most of which were transmitted by contact, the island Department of Health has revealed in its Epidemiological Surveillance System bulletin.

The agency published its Special Bulletin Number 29 on Sunday, and according to the document, a local transmission scenario already exists within a defined population.

“At the time of writing this bulletin, Puerto Rico is in the second level of the outbreak since 83.1% of the confirmed cases had no travel history and the most reported transmission route is prolonged and direct close contact, of type skin to skin,” reads the document.

The document also indicates that the transmission of the virus is found mainly in populations with the following characteristics: men who identify as homosexuals, bisexuals, or men who have sex with other men (176 of 201 cases; 87.6%), and people who have stated having had sexual intercourse in the last 21 days with one or more partners (140 of 182 cases; 76.9%).

Three women have been confirmed with seismic

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