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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Housing Dept. launches redesigned cyberspace

Housing Secretary William Rodríguez

By The Star Staff

The island Housing Department has launched a completely redesigned cyberspace to improve the experience of internet users when searching for information and applying to programs under recovery and mitigation funds.

The new domain features an updated, state-of-the-art platform that replaces the previous version, with a minimalist and modern look.

Housing Secretary William Rodríguez Rodríguez said “this update is the most important that we have made since the interface of the recovery programs was implemented in 2019 and, in addition to making the navigation experience more user-friendly, it promotes greater transparency, as has been the public policy of Gov. Pedro Pierluisi, as it facilitates accessibility to the data of all the projects we are executing.”

With the new update, the various users who interact with the page (citizens, non-governmental organizations, subrecipients, contractors, service providers and others) can now filter content according to their interests and approaches.

There is a space dedicated to sharing information related to the investment of funds and distribution of assistance among the various programs with a special focus on strengthening housing, the economy, infrastructure and planning.

The new page also includes a transparency portal where the progress of each of the programs and each relevant detail is shown.

“We want anyone who wants to know how investment of the funds supports the transformation of Puerto Rico to have access to that data easily,” the Housing secretary added.

The action plans section has also been redesigned to highlight amendments made to the original plans, with clear summaries and divisions by assignment to clarify Housing’s objectives when implementing the programs.

“The new website represents a significant effort in communication and service to the public while improving accessibility, transparency and efficiency in the management of recovery and mitigation funds” Rodríguez said. “We invite the community to visit the page and familiarize themselves with the information, exploring all the sections.”

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