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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Isabela mayor delivers solar panel/battery units to qualified citizens


Isabela Mayor Miguel “Ricky” Méndez Pérez personally delivered the first solar panel batteries that are part of a federally funded Community Development Block Grant (CDBG-CV) program for residents of Isabela who are 62 years of age and older. The initiative has an initial investment of $143,154.

“The application process was completed a few weeks ago through our Office of Federal Programs, after the announcement with the details and requirements was published,” Méndez Pérez said.

Each unit of equipment delivered consists of a 2,700-watt (W) EcoFlow Delta battery with two 10W rigid portable panels for each battery. Each piece of equipment has a market cost of $1,446, and is particularly effective for people living in apartments. That way, they have access to energy without noise or emissions.

Isabela experienced in a particularly difficult way the blackouts and voltage changes after storms such as Fiona a year ago, where older people suffered more harshly, particularly those who depend on electrical equipment for their medical treatments.

“Right now we are at the busiest time for tropical storms and hurricanes in the Caribbean,” the mayor said. “We are in the middle of September, the peak month of the hurricane season, but it extends until November 30.”

According to climatology scientists, the intensity of hurricanes is worsening. It is not certain if there will be more hurricanes in the remainder of the season, but what is certain is that the intensity and severity will continue to increase.

“As extreme weather increases, more people need help to be prepared, particularly the most vulnerable,” Méndez Pérez said. “In that mission, they can count on their municipality.”

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