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José Aponte throws his support behind Nikki Haley

Former House Speaker José Aponte

By The Star Staff

Former House Speaker Jose Aponte said threw his support behind former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley for president of the United States saying she is the “real alternative for the nation.”

“Nikki Haley is the real alternative that the nation needs at a time when the economy does not work for the middle class, where the Russian Federation invaded, without any provocation, a democratic Ukraine, there are serious wars in the Middle East and a communist China expanding. Haley has the ability to lead our nation with the conservative values and vision we seek for everyone, including Puerto Rico,” said the At-Large Representative.

“A (Donald) Trump victory of over 30 percentage points was expected and the margin is going to be much, much closer. In fact, at the end of the full count, the margin should be close to 8 or 9 points. This is very significant. Since December, the former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations has been making headway up. At one point in the summer he had only two percent in the polls and yesterday she showed that she can make a comeback, and a lot,” said the statesman leader.

Aponte’s remarks came after Haley surpassed the expectations of polls and projections of national political analysts, coming close to Trump.

“In New Hampshire we see how the independent, moderate Republican and unaffiliated vote went to Haley. She is the alternative we need. In the next four weeks, Republicans from 20 states will have the opportunity to speak out, and I hope it will be for Haley, even against the desperate intensity of the other candidate,” said Aponte.

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