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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

PDP says NPP poorly concealed their in-fighting at assembly

By The Star Staff

Popular Democratic Party (PDP) Secretary General Luis Vega Ramos on Monday described the general assembly held by the New Progressive Party (NPP) this past weekend as one in which “an attempt was made to sell fantasies of a Puerto Rico that does not exist, driving with the lights off in the stands to hide the discouragement and lack of real participation and having to deal with reports and videos of violent incidents among the followers of [Governor] Pedro Pierluisi and [Resident Commissioner] Jenniffer González.”

“Unlike our assembly in Trujillo Alto, which was held in a fully lit coliseum, we had votes for the largest expansion of representation in the governing body of any party in Puerto Rico and there was an act of unity of purpose between our leaders and our base, yesterday [Sunday] in the NPP [assembly] they turned off the lights of the stands so that they would not be counted … they painted a picture of a Puerto Rico that does not exist and ended up fighting from the corridors and the rostrum between the sides of Pedro Pierluisi and Jenniffer González,” Vega Ramos said in a written statement. “Therein lies the true nature of the NPP concealment. Selling fantasies and fighting each other. Puerto Rico doesn’t need more of that.”

“On the one hand, Pierluisi tried -- unsuccessfully -- to sell a Puerto Rico with a successful economy and a government that is doing work, when everyone here knows that the opposite is true in both aspects,” the PDP secretary general continued. “Today, ordinary Puerto Ricans suffer the worst situation in decades in our fundamental cost of living, while reconstruction work is not seen, despite the appropriations of $75 billion in federal funds.”

“Pierluisi’s lights were off to hide his failure,” Vega Ramos added.

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