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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Property titles turned over to residents of Rincón, Añasco

Forty-nine property titles were turned over to residents of the Cerro Los Pobres community in Rincón, and another eight titles were delivered to residents in the special community of Hatillo in Añasco on Tuesday.

By The Star Staff

Housing Secretary William Rodríguez Rodríguez turned over 49 property titles to residents of the Cerro Los Pobres community in Rincón on Tuesday, as part of the results of the Community Development Block Grant Disaster Recovery Fund (CDBG-DR) Title Authorization program.

Similarly, eight property titles were delivered in the special community of Hatillo in Añasco. With the deliveries, the Housing Department surpassed 700 property titles delivered since January 2021.

“Obtaining a land title is an important moment in the lives of many Puerto Ricans who long for the security this document offers,” Rodríguez said. “We are proud to make this dream a reality and we remain committed to continuing to streamline processes so that more people can receive their title deeds. Today we celebrate with these communities of Rinnón and Añasco to continue making similar announcements in other parts of Puerto Rico, thanks to the recovery funds and the direction established by Gov. Pedro Pierluisi.”

In 2003, the Municipality of Rincón ceded to the Housing Department a farm by deed of 6.45 acres where the Cerro Los Pobres community is located.

“We immediately came to direct the Department and began to address the pending requests and expedite all processes, which has resulted in achieving the ownership that we grant today,” Rodríguez said.

Rincón Mayor Carlos López Bonilla said “the delivery of their Certificates of Ownership of real estate property to this first group of 49 residents of Cerro Los Pobres of our municipality of Rincón represents an act of justice for those who have resided in the place throughout their lives as did their predecessors.”

“It is a great satisfaction for me, and all of us with whom we have, since 2003, worked hand in hand, to carry out this project that contributes to improving their quality of life and offering the security of a home,” the mayor said. “It is an important step toward empowering this community.”

The beneficiary families had access to the program funds, which allowed them to obtain necessary documents such as declarations of heirs, sworn statements, title studies and plans of their respective land plots, among other benefits.

Those who seek more information regarding the delivery of property titles can access the page or call 1 833 234 2324.

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