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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Rep. Méndez Nuñez urges fiscal board to approve salary hikes for prosecutors

By The Star Staff

The New Progressive Party (NPP)minority leader in the island House of Representatives, Carlos “Johnny” Méndez Nuñez, asked the Financial Oversight and Management Board on Wednesday to endorse Law 134-2023, which grants a salary increase to prosecutors, juvenile and family attorneys, and property registrars.

“There is no reason to stop its implementation,” the lawmaker said of House Bill 1343. “There are currently over 50 unfilled positions for prosecutors and many are thinking of going into private practice. We call on the members of the Board to pass this law expeditiously.”

The new law allows for an increase in the salary compensation of district attorneys, assistant prosecutors (IV, III, II, and I), and family and juvenile prosecutors, as well as property registrars.

“We fulfilled the commitment we made to the men and women who work as prosecutors, attorneys and registrars; today their well-deserved salary increase is law,” Méndez Nuñez said. “Now it is up to the Board to act so that the Department of Justice can retain the talent necessary for the security of the people, as well as recruit the professionals, including prosecutors, who are an essential part of the local justice system.”

The new law amends Article 82 of Law 205-2004 and Article 283 of Law 210-2015 in order to transfer to the Justice Department the authority to review salary compensation scales for the aforementioned professionals.

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