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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

Special independent prosecutor to look into alleged illegal actions by ex-Ceiba mayor

Former Ceiba Mayor Ángelo Cruz Ramos

By The Star Staff

The Special Independent Prosecutor Panel (PFEI by its Spanish initials) has accepted a recommendation from Justice Secretary Domingo Emanuelli Hernández to appoint an independent special prosecutor and a delegated prosecutor to investigate alleged illegal acts by former Ceiba Mayor Ángelo Cruz Ramos and the former director of human resources of that municipality, Briseida Medero Osorio.

The PFEI on Wednesday appointed Miguel A. Colón Ortiz as special independent prosecutor and Manuel E. Nuñez Corrada as a delegated prosecutor.

The case results from a complaint filed by current Ceiba Mayor Samuel Rivera Báez. In his letter, he accused the former mayor of conducting a massive recruitment contrary to the applicable laws in force.

A preliminary investigation carried out by the Division of Public Integrity and Comptroller Affairs (DIPAC) of the Department of Justice together with the Special Investigations Bureau (NIE) revealed that once Cruz Ramos lost the 2020 primaries, he made a call to illegally recruit temporary and trust employees into career positions before the new municipal administration took over.

The investigation found that people who did not have the requirements to be municipal employees were recruited, including individuals who had prior convictions. Consequently, the municipality of Ceiba disbursed some $774,834.00 for salaries, contrary to the pertinent laws and regulations.

The resolution issued by the PFEI highlights that the documents included in the record sent with the preliminary investigation report indicate that the officials could have violated the Penal Code.

In referring the matter to prosecutors Colon Ortiz and Nuñez Corrada, the PFEI granted a term of 90 days as provided in Law 2-1988, which could be extended for an additional term.

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