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  • Writer's pictureThe San Juan Daily Star

With UTIER injunction request denied, Genera PR continues with takeover plans


A request for a preliminary injunction filed in federal court by the Electrical Industry and Irrigation Workers Union (UTIER by its Spanish acronym) has been denied, noted Iván Báez, vice president of government and public affairs at Genera PR, on Thursday.

“The determination of the Federal Court to deny UTIER the preliminary injunction fills us with satisfaction,” Báez said in a written statement.

The executive with Genera PR, which has contracted in a public-private partnership with the island government to take over management of the lion’s share of the Puerto Rico Electric Power Authority’s generation fleet, detailed the company’s plans: “We continue with the process of mobilization and takeover of the generation fleet on July 1. The mission is to ensure an orderly transition and activate our operational efficiencies program. We aspire to a Puerto Rico with reliable and cost-effective energy service.”

The court ruling occurs at a critical time for the energy industry in Puerto Rico, which has undergone various reforms and privatization processes in recent years. Báez noted that Genera PR, as an emerging actor, is working to ensure an effective transition.

“This is a crucial step forward on the road to a Puerto Rico with an efficient and reliable energy system,” he said. “We maintain our commitment to this objective and we will work tirelessly to achieve it.”

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