By The Star Staff
Corrections and Rehabilitation (DCR) Secretary Ana Escobar Pabón appeared on Tuesday before the Senate Committee on Community Initiatives, Mental Health and Addiction to present the findings and recommendations from the final report of the investigation related to the granting of an extended pass to convicted murderer Hermes Ávila Vázquez.
Escobar Pabón told the Senate panel that the Correctional System Investigations Office (OISC) issued a report that included “multiple interviews with DCR officials, doctors who evaluated Ávila Vázquez and people related to the process of the extended pass granted to him.”
She clarified that although the requests presented by the inmate were under Law 25 of 1992, the extended pass was granted under the DCR Reorganization Plan due to a limiting physiological condition.
The OISC report recommends “reassessing the continuity of the contract with the company Physician Correctional,” as did the company UTICORP, hired to audit the work of Physician Correctional and its contractual relationship with the DCR. Escobar Pabón noted that, although corrective measures are being taken, they do not rule out making adjustments in the event of any future cancellation of services.
“We will be issuing instructions to initiate a ‘Request for Qualifications’ process to identify potential suppliers of such services, so that the DCR is ready for a possible transition if an appropriate corrective action plan cannot be established with the company,” the secretary said.
Regarding the employees involved in the Ávila Vázquez case, Escobar Pabón stressed that, although the process of intention to dismiss eight officials had begun and they were given formal notice, “they requested the holding of informal hearings in which they will have the opportunity to explain the reasons why they believe they should not be removed from their positions.”
The hearings are expected to conclude at the end of September.
Sen. José Vargas Vidot, who chairs the commission, expressed concern about the other former inmates on extended passes under Law 25 of 1992. According to the investigation, there has been no follow-up process with regard to the former prisoners, a situation that initially “gave way to the death of Ivette Joan Meléndez Vega at the hands of Ávila Vázquez,” the senator said.
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